34 research outputs found

    Multiresolution Moment Filters: Theory and Applications

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    We introduce local weighted geometric moments that are computed from an image within a sliding window at multiple scales. When the window function satisfies a two-scale relation, we prove that lower order moments can be computed efficiently at dyadic scales by using a multiresolution wavelet-like algorithm. We show that B-splines are well-suited window functions because, in addition to being refinable, they are positive, symmetric, separable, and very nearly isotropic (Gaussian shape). We present three applications of these multiscale local moments. The first is a feature-extraction method for detecting and characterizing elongated structures in images. The second is a noise-reduction method which can be viewed as a multiscale extension of Savitzky-Golay filtering. The third is a multiscale optical-flow algorithm that uses a local affine model for the motion field, extending the Lucas-Kanade optical-flow method. The results obtained in all cases are promising

    Variational Image Reconstruction from Arbitrarily Spaced Samples: A Fast Multiresolution Spline Solution

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    We propose a novel method for image reconstruction from nonuniform samples with no constraints on their locations. We adopt a variational approach where the reconstruction is formulated as the minimizer of a cost that is a weighted sum of two terms: 1) the sum of squared errors at the specified points and 2) a quadratic functional that penalizes the lack of smoothness. We search for a solution that is a uniform spline and show how it can be determined by solving a large, sparse system of linear equations. We interpret the solution of our approach as an approximation of the analytical solution that involves radial basis functions and demonstrate the computational advantages of our approach. Using the two-scale relation for B-splines, we derive an algebraic relation that links together the linear systems of equations specifying reconstructions at different levels of resolution. We use this relation to develop a fast multigrid algorithm. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on some image reconstruction examples

    Full Motion and Flow Field Recovery from Echo Doppler Data

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    We present a new computational method for reconstructing a vector velocity field from scattered, pulsed-wave ultrasound Doppler data. The main difficulty is that the Doppler measurements are incomplete, for they do only capture the velocity component along the beam direction. We thus propose to combine measurements from different beam directions. However, this is not yet sufficient to make the problem well posed because 1) the angle between the directions is typically small and 2) the data is noisy and nonuniformly sampled. We propose to solve this reconstruction problem in the continuous domain using regularization. The reconstruction is formulated as the minimizer of a cost that is a weighted sum of two terms: 1) the sum of squared difference between the Doppler data and the projected velocities 2) a quadratic regularization functional that imposes some smoothness on the velocity field. We express our solution for this minimization problem in a B-spline basis, obtaining a sparse system of equations that can be solved efficiently. Using synthetic phantom data, we demonstrate the significance of tuning the regularization according to the a priori knowledge about the physical property of the motion. Next, we validate our method using real phantom data for which the ground truth is known. We then present reconstruction results obtained from clinical data that originate from 1) blood flow in carotid bifurcation and 2) cardiac wall motion

    Myocardial Motion Analysis from B-Mode Echocardiograms

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    The quantitative assessment of cardiac motion is a fundamental concept to evaluate ventricular malfunction. We present a new optical-flow-based method for estimating heart motion from two-dimensional echocardiographic sequences. To account for typical heart motions, such as contraction/expansion and shear, we analyze the images locally by using a local-affine model for the velocity in space and a linear model in time. The regional motion parameters are estimated in the least-squares sense inside a sliding spatiotemporal B-spline window. Robustness and spatial adaptability is achieved by estimating the model parameters at multiple scales within a coarse-to-fine multiresolution framework. We use a Wavelet-like algorithm for computing B-spline-weighted inner products and moments at dyadic scales to increase computational efficiency. In order to characterize myocardial contractility and to simplify the detection of myocardial dysfunction, the radial component of the velocity with respect to a reference point is color coded and visualized inside a time-varying region of interest. The algorithm was first validated on synthetic data sets that simulate a beating heart with a speckle-like appearance of echocardiograms. The ability to estimate motion from real ultrasound sequences was demonstrated by a rotating phantom experiment. The method was also applied to a set of in vivo echocardiograms from an animal study. Motion estimation results were in good agreement with the expert echocardiographic reading

    Robust Poisson Surface Reconstruction

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    Abstract. We propose a method to reconstruct surfaces from oriented point clouds with non-uniform sampling and noise by formulating the problem as a convex minimization that reconstructs the indicator func-tion of the surface’s interior. Compared to previous models, our recon-struction is robust to noise and outliers because it substitutes the least-squares fidelity term by a robust Huber penalty; this allows to recover sharp corners and avoids the shrinking bias of least squares. We choose an implicit parametrization to reconstruct surfaces of unknown topology and close large gaps in the point cloud. For an efficient representation, we approximate the implicit function by a hierarchy of locally supported basis elements adapted to the geometry of the surface. Unlike ad-hoc bases over an octree, our hierarchical B-splines from isogeometric analysis locally adapt the mesh and degree of the splines during reconstruction. The hi-erarchical structure of the basis speeds-up the minimization and efficiently represents clustered data. We also advocate for convex optimization, in-stead isogeometric finite-element techniques, to efficiently solve the min-imization and allow for non-differentiable functionals. Experiments show state-of-the-art performance within a more flexible framework.

    Approximation of integral operators using product-convolution expansions

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    International audienceWe consider a class of linear integral operators with impulse responses varying regularly in time or space. These operators appear in a large number of applications ranging from signal/image processing to biology. Evaluating their action on functions is a computationally intensive problem necessary for many practical problems. We analyze a technique called product-convolution expansion: the operator is locally approximated by a convolution, allowing to design fast numerical algorithms based on the fast Fourier transform. We design various types of expansions, provide their explicit rates of approximation and their complexity depending on the time varying impulse response smoothness. This analysis suggests novel wavelet based implementations of the method with numerous assets such as optimal approximation rates, low complexity and storage requirements as well as adaptivity to the kernels regularity. The proposed methods are an alternative to more standard procedures such as panel clustering, cross approximations, wavelet expansions or hierarchical matrices

    Multigrid Image Reconstruction from Arbitrarily Spaced Samples

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    We propose a novel multiresolution-multigrid based signal reconstruction method from arbitrarily spaced samples. The signal is reconstructed on a uniform grid using B-splines basis functions. The computation of spline weights is formulated as a variational problem. Specifically, we minimize a cost that is a weighted sum of two terms: (i) the sum of squared errors at the specified points; (ii) a quadratic functional that penalizes the lack of smoothness. The problem is equivalent to solving a very large system of linear equations, with the dimension equal to the number of grid points. We develop a computationally efficient multiresolution-multigrid scheme for solving the system. We demonstrate the method with image reconstruction from contour points

    Bimodal Myocardial Motion Analysis from B-Mode and Tissue Doppler Ultrasound

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    We present a new method for estimating heart motion from two-dimensional echocardiographic sequences by exploiting two ultrasound modalities: B-mode and tissue Doppler. The algorithmestimates a two-dimensional velocity field locally by using a spatial affine velocity model inside a sliding window. Within each window, we minimize a local cost function that is composed of two quadratic terms: an optical flow constraint that involves the B-mode data and a constraint that enforces the agreement of the velocity field with the directional tissue Doppler measurements. The relative influence of the two differentmodalities to the resulting solution is controlled by an adjustable weighting parameter. Robustness is achieved by a coarse-to-fine multi-scale approach. The method was tested on synthetic ultrasound data and validated by a rotating phantom experiment. First applications to clinical echocardiograms give promising results

    Motion Analysis of Echocardiograms Using a Local-Affine, Spatio-Temporal Model

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    We present a new method for estimating heart motion from two-dimensional (2D) echocardiographic sequences. It is inspired by the Lucas-Kanade algorithm for optical flow which estimates motion parameters over a sliding window. However, instead of assuming that the motion is constant within the analysis window, we consider a model that is locally affine and can account for typical heart motions such as dilation/contraction and shear. Another refinement is spatial adaptivity which is achieved by estimating displacement vectors at multiple scales and selecting the most promising fit. The affine parameters are estimated in the least squares sense using a separable spatial (resp., spatio-temporal) B-spline window. This particular choice is motivated by the fact that the B-splines are nearly isotropic (Gaussian-like) and that they satisfy a two-scale equation. We use this latter property to derive a wavelet-like algorithm that leads to a fast computation of B-spline-weighted inner products and moments at dyadic scales, which speeds up our method considerably. We test the algorithm on synthetic and real ultrasound sequences and show that it compares favorably with other methods, such as Lucas-Kanade and Horn-Schunk

    Multiresolution Moment Filters

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    We define multi-scale moments that are estimated locally by analyzing the image through a sliding window at multiple scales. When the analysis window satisfies a two-scale relation, we prove that these moments can be computed very efficiently using a multiresolution wavelet-like algorithm. We also show that B-spline windows are best suited for this kind of analysis because, in addition to being refinable, they are positive, symmetric and very nearly isotropic. We present two applications of our method. The first is a feature extraction method for detecting strands of DNA in noisy cryoelectron-micrographs. The second is an extension of the Lucas-Kanade optical flow algorithm that assumes a local affine model of the motion field. The results obtained in both cases are very promising